Saturday, November 14, 2009

How To Start Body Building:Women Body Builder

After you have researched bodybuilding and fully understand the unique needs for fitness over 40, you should study the success stories of other men and women body builder your age. Find several people whose fitness goals and body styles are similar to yours. Use them as role models to develop your own training schedule and program. Pay special attention to how gradually they began training, including reps, weights, rest, and cycles.

When you first begin  women's exercises over 40 it would be best to choose a longer cycle that gives you plenty of rest. Your body will need more time for renewal and repair because it is not used to or primed for this activity. Ideally you would work out one or two muscle groups on day 1. On days 2 and 3 you would rest. On day 4 you will train another muscle group and then rest for two days. On day 7 you would work out the remaining muscle groups and then rest for two days before beginning again. As you become more advanced, you can decrease your rest periods and shorten your cycles if you prefer.

Never begin with too much weight. It is common for younger people to mistakenly begin too high. This is not because they can start with more weight than you, it is because their bodies can endure and repair damage they cause much faster. Begin at a very low weight, the amount may vary per person. Start low enough so that you can maintain control while you perform proper movements and techniques.

A good warm up is also critical if you want to prevent injury and get the most benefit from your training. After stretching, many experts recommend a light 5 to 10 minute cardio workout. Afterwards, you should warm up the muscle group you are targeting that day by lifting half the weight for about 10 reps. For example, if your goal is to lift 200 pounds in that training session, you should start by lifting 100 pounds or less.

If you follow these simple recommendations you will be practicing safe body building over 40. If you have more questions or are nervous about injuring yourself, ask a certified trainer to show you the best way to train your body. Using caution and asking for help will get you prepared for a more intense workout later and get you started on the road to fitness success.

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