Sunday, November 8, 2009

Popular Myths Unveiled For Woman Body Builders

If it wasn't enough that the tyro woman body builders has to contend with an industry that often sees woman athletes as inferior, there are also a large number of locker room fairytales that circulate to further discourage and confound the issue. The simple truth is women athletes are every bit as good as their male counterparts, done and dusted. What of the popular myths though, those discouraging stories that probably put many women off bodybuilding before they have the chance to disprove them firsthand. Let's take a quick look at some popular gym lore.

Bodybuilding will turn you into the She Hulk:

Entirely up to the individual. Women do not naturally produce as much testosterone as their male peers and cannot, therefore, gain as much muscle. And even if women could, you get to decide where to stop building and maintain, whether you are male or female. So if you want outhouse proportions then anabolic steroids are your only choice as a woman body builders. The key word though, is choice.

Bodybuilding transforms fat into muscle:

Just not true. Muscle is built by a process of intentional overexertion which leads to a compensation reaction causing the muscle fibres to increase in number to deal with the additional demand. Fat can only be metabolised or burnt off, and this is only really possible with cardio or aerobic exercise, not weight training.

Bodybuilding allows you to eat as much as you like:

Another piece of Class A nonsense. Simple fact - you eat more than you burn you get fat. If you do not balance your calorie intake to only slightly exceed your energy expenditure the excess will pack on in the form of fat.

Woman body builders
only needs cardio and light weight training:

Cardio you do need. This is the exercise regimen that burns fat. Weights or any resistance training work in a very simple way. The heavier you go, the more you extend your muscles work range beyond their tolerance envelope and the more they grow. When they have grown, you go heavier again, and so on. If you do a lot of cardio and very light weights you'll need a hand hold in the showers to stop yourself going down with the suds. Your body will consume the fat then turn in on the muscles next and you'll eventually end up not even casting a shadow.

Weight training increases your chest size:

If this were true most female pros would be 44 DD's. Breasts are largely made up of fatty tissue and if your body fat drops below approximately 12 % your breasts will probably get smaller not the other way around. As a woman bodybuilder this is a reality that has to be kept in mind when setting long term goals.

Bodybuilding will make you muscle-bound and loose mobility:

Weight training executed with correct form will increase you stretching abilities not vice versa.

Hopefully this short insight will help dispel some of the misgivings you may have had about becoming a woman bodybuilder. Now, about those MCP's!

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